About us

Field and Fish waterproof products for winter!

ATOP & Wading Light shoes test

Our Wading Light shoes: editor's choice!

Testing the ChestPack backpack

Our waders are an editor's choice!

Testing the ChestPack backpack

ChestPack backpack

French excellence

Michelin test

Michelin shoes: maximum grip!

Italian article michelin shoes

Winner of the Inosport innovation award

INOSPORT competition prize-giving ceremony

58 entries
8 winners Well done to all

- Sportswear/shoes category: field and fish - fishing vest.

An event organized by Pays Voironnais - Official

We're delighted to announce that our GILET EXPERT PRO product has been chosen as the 2021 winner of the sports innovation award in the "clothing" category. In the video, starting at minute 23, Frédéric LEROY presents the product.


5-layer WADERS test, Pêche-Mouche magazine

And here is the choice of the editors of Pêche Mouche concerning the Waders, we let you guess their preference ...!
Thank you again for Pêche Mouche this beautiful publication in the n*144!

Waders; serious business at Field&Fish

Thanks to "Rivières d'auvergne à la mouche" for this great article on our WADERS! Very interesting feedback, a thorough product test to gauge the resistance of the WADERS Field&Fish! WADERS 5 layers: https://www.fieldandfish.com/.../waders-peche-5-couches-2/ Lightweight, waterproof luggage for wading in total freedom

Lightweight, waterproof luggage for free wading fishing

A big thank you to Voyages de Pêche magazine for this great feature on pages 84-85 of issue 146!
A great example of our "Waterproof Chest Pack + Waterproof 20L Backpack" products in action, keeping your equipment dry and close at hand in the Bijagos archipelago in Africa.
Equip yourself quickly with these essential tools for good fishing practice
Link: https://www.fieldandfish.com/boutique/pack-sacs-etanches/

TEST: Field&Fish Expert Pro vest. Trout&Cie

Test of our new vest in the excellent web magazine Truites et Cie.

Link to our vest, HERE

All you need to know about fishing jackets

In these gloomy times, I invite you to discover this beautiful article inviting you to choose your rain jacket ....we're going to really need it, good luck to you all!

Link to BROCHET SANDRE magazine website

Field&Fish fishing jacket link

8 Mont Blanc's presentation of Field&Fish

Long-lasting test: Field&Fish Stretch shirt and pants. Trout and Co.

Full-scale test on our stretch shirt and pants http://www.truites-et-cie.fr/.../test-longue-duree... thanks to Truites & Cie

How to equip yourself for a fly-fishing trip in Argentina? From Experience Outdoor.

A very nice article about fly fishing and Field&Fish products https://www.experience-outdoor.com/comment-sequiper-pour.../ Thanks to Experience outdoor

The Buff Voyages de Pêche/Field & Fish!

"Very popular with VDP flats fishing subscribers: the Buff Voyages de Pêche/Field & Fish!" www.voyagesdepeche.com From Magazine fishing trip

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